Search Results for 'tile'

Church Acoustics in Fellowship Halls

Church acoustics in fellowship halls or multi-purpose rooms are some of the more frequent rooms that we are asked for recommendations for acoustical treatment. These rooms have a few very common similarities that are the reason for the need for acoustical wall panels or acoustical ceiling panels.

Dealing With A Noisy Hair Salon

Ok, I’ll admit it. I get my hair cut in a salon – but please don’t tell any of my buddies. I only go there because I’ve known the woman for years and she gives me a good deal. Salons all seem to have similar characteristics. They contain hard floors that can be easily cleaned: […]

Acoustical Baffles

Picture a cafeteria or lunch room that can hold 150 people. The picture in your mind is going to depend on the age group of people using the room. Grade school, high school or college cafeterias usually have vinyl tile floors, painted concrete walls and either a drop ceiling or a painted sheetrock ceiling. Large […]

The Noisy Restaurant

If you think about it, having a noise problem in a restaurant is one of the best problems an owner can have. Noise means people enjoying themselves. A bigger problem, I suppose, would be if the place were completely empty all of the time. As I have noted in a few other restaurant based articles, restaurants can be a tricky space to treat for a few reasons which I will do my best to explain […]

Fellowship Hall/Church Acoustics

Do you have a fellowship hall?!? Do the noise levels in your fellowship hall get to uncomfortable levels when filled with people?!? Have you been lucky enough to be the one chosen to find out how to fix this?!? Will you have an entire committee to report to?!? Do you have a limited budget but need to come up with a solution that is aesthetically pleasing enough to pass a committee vote?!? Well, friends, this is the article for you […]

How to Soundproof a Classroom 101

Sound quality and understanding speech in a classroom environment is obviously something of importance. If students are not able to clearly hear instruction in a classroom they are not able to learn – or learn nearly as effectively as they should […]

Noisy Restaurant

“We are looking for some panels for an existing restaurant with hard floors, walls and ceiling.” The question is simple, but the answer may be lengthy fairly variable depending on the budget for the project and the aesthetic that you need to maintain […]

Training Room Echo Problem

“We have a new training room that has the following dimensions: 8′ High, 40′ Long, & 18′ Wide. The walls are dry wall, the ceiling has the typical tiles, and the floor is concrete covered by thin vinyl tiles. Also, one 40′ long wall has a white board all the way across it. The echoes are quite awful in this room. What would you recommend doing to reduce the noise?” Taking care of the echo in the room is actually quite simple, but there are a few options […]

Soundproofing an Office Ceiling

“We just moved into a newly built-out office suite. We have a terrible problem in that we can all clearly hear conversations in adjoining offices. We also have a bad echo in the offices.” Before you begin to look for options for blocking the sound, you need to find where the sound is leaking out, or leaking out the most. Without doing this, It would be like trying to plug a leaky fish tank without knowing where it were leaking […]

Sound in a Bar

“I have a particular sound issue that I hope you can help me with. I need to dampen the noise in a bar in New York City. The ceilings are 18′ high, but the floors are wood and tile, the ceilings are tin, and the walls are mostly brick.” Eliminating the echo and reverberation is going to be really quite easy, but blocking the sound is always a lot more involved and will require altering the floor/ceiling assembly […]