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Soundproofing with Rockwool: Everything You Need to Know

Nobody aims to disturb the peace. But whether it’s due to heavy equipment and machinery, or the school band’s percussion section practicing their drum rolls, noisy activities can be a nuisance to adjacent rooms, close-by establishments, and near neighbors. In worst-case scenarios, turning the volume up too far could even result in facing legal action […]

Mineral Wool vs Fiberglass: Which is Better?

Let’s face it, the world around us isn’t getting any quieter. But one way we can try to control noise at home or on the job is by soundproofing a space with insulating materials, and there are many reasons to soundproof a room, office, or commercial workspace. For example, sound pollution is being taken more […]

How to Optimize Room Acoustics for Your Space

How to Optimize Room Acoustics for Your Space

Light, bright, and airy might be three of the most often-repeated words in real estate, but a room’s acoustics are equally—if not more so—important. Sound impacts everything from our ability to concentrate to our stress levels, and a space with poor acoustics can have a major effect on our quality of life.1 Whether you’re arranging […]

What is Sound Masking

Sound Masking vs. Noise Treatments

Organizations managing public or commercial spaces have started using sound masking technologies to create better acoustics within their spaces. What is sound masking? It’s a technology designed to create a comfortable, productive, and private acoustical atmosphere by generating barely perceptible ambient noise within a specific area. Unlike traditional sound treatments that physically prevent noise from […]

Ceiling Acoustic Treatment: Retrofitting Large Ceiling Acoustics

Acoustics play a huge role in the ambiance of a room. In commercial spaces like restaurants, bars, and retail settings, sound quality can make events more enjoyable, help set the tone of an establishment, and even affect a customer’s mood.  But most structures don’t come with perfect acoustics built in. So instead, businesses must investigate […]

construction noise

Let’s talk about Construction Noise

Take a look around any major city, and you’ll see cranes on the horizon. Not the bird but the metal behemoths that signal growth. Each crane represents a new residential building or warehouse that will add homes or jobs to the region. It’s great for the economy, but nearby residents dream of the days when […]

fiberglass acoustic panels

What are Fiberglass Acoustic Panels?

When you’re looking to improve the acoustics in any space, whether at home or work, the go-to solution is the acoustic panel. It’s versatile, It looks great, and it does a great job of absorbing sound waves. There are a lot of different types of acoustic panels out there, and the type that’s best for […]

noise reduction in hospitals

Noise Reduction in Hospitals

Hospitals are a critical part of any city’s infrastructure. It’s where most of us go to give birth, and it’s often where we go to receive end of life care. In between those two life events, it’s where we go to receive life saving treatment for any injury or ailment that befalls us. Hospitals are […]

counseling office

How to Soundproof a Counseling Office

Counseling can be a godsend. Having someone who allows us to vent, reflect, and examine our lives has changed the lives of millions of people. When we see counselors, we have certain expectations of privacy. If we walk into a counseling office and hear other people’s sessions through the waiting room walls, we may think […]

soundproofing without damaging walls

Soundproofing A Room Without Damaging Walls

Life can get a little noisy, but we’re not always prepared for it. If you’re building a recording studio or live music club, you know what you’re in for ahead of time. You can construct your walls to handle the noise. But what if your kid gets a guitar or drum kit for his or […]