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Sound Control in Buildings

Sound Control in Buildings: Finding the Best Solution

Is there an enticing bar or restaurant you avoid because you can’t hear yourself think? The owner may have ticked every box on the business plan other than sound control for the unbearable restaurant noise.  Whether you’re in a vintage Victorian, a rehabbed loft, an industrial space, or a brand-new building, you can influence the […]

Methods of Control and Reduction of Excess Sound

Top 5 Methods of Control and Reduction of Excess Sound

Whether your classroom is next door to a train station or a highway with blaring traffic noise, there’s an ongoing construction project next door to your retail space, you may be looking for methods of control and reduction of excessive sound.  Reduction techniques can be as simple as adding “fluffy” items to your space or […]

How to Mitigate Fast Food Restaurant Noise

How to Mitigate Fast Food Restaurant Noise

At one time or another, you’ve likely dealt with sitting at a noisy restaurant, hearing more than you’d like while trying to enjoy a meal. Research shows that the noise level in a restaurant impacts customer satisfaction.1 So, how can restaurateurs dampen the loud sound level in their kitchens and dining rooms to provide their […]

How to Soundproof a Metal Building

How to Soundproof a Metal Building

Metal commercial structures have a lot of check marks in the minus column: low cost, low maintenance, and fast construction. An item on the minus column, however, is noise pollution—with every clang, bang, and echo reverberating throughout the building. So, how can you reduce noise transmission in a metal building? A key part of sound […]

acoustic fabric panels

What Type of Fabric is Used for Acoustic Panels?

Sound control may be more important today than it’s ever been. That’s because we’re subjected to more noise than we’ve ever been subjected to before. We’ve got homes full of connected devices, noisy HVAC systems, and neighbors doing yard work at odd hours. In order to reduce your exposure, you’ll want to acoustically treat your […]

how to soundproof brick walls

How to Soundproof Brick Walls for Your Business

Working in a brick building has its perks. Brick is very dense, so outside sounds (the din from the street, construction or impact noise, and honking horns) have a hard time penetrating into your interior space.1 But that also means that sounds produced inside a brick space have a hard time escaping—if you’re tired of […]

How to Deal with Construction Noise with Soundproofing

On an active construction site, noise is inevitable. Heavy equipment and power tools are noisy, but buildings simply can’t go up without them. But, if you’re living or working across the street from an active building site, you may be wondering how to deal with construction noise—can you abate construction activity sounds, or do you […]

soundproof garage

How to Soundproof a Garage

If you’ve got a garage, you know what a great feature they are in any home. They keep our vehicles warm in the winter and keep them protected in inclement weather. They also serve as a great space for workshops, band practice rooms, and man caves. To get the most out of them, ingenious owners […]

How to Soundproof a Ceiling in Large Venues

How to Soundproof a Ceiling in Large Venues

Soundproofing a ceiling is a much more involved process than people might first think; one can’t simply install acoustic foam panels, acoustic ceiling tiles, or other types of sound absorbing panels, baffles or clouds and call it a day if you want or need to block the sound from either entering or leaving the space. […]

How Much Does it Cost to Install an Acoustic Ceiling?

An acoustic ceiling can be one of the most effective ways to add acoustical treatment to a commercial space because it allows you to evenly distribute product over the room’s entire area. With the proper sound absorption ceiling tiles or direct-mounted panels, you can effectively manage the noise levels inside the space based on the […]