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Soundproofing an Office

We receive a lot of calls and E-mails from people that experience a significant amount of sound transmission from one office to another. It seems to be a problem that haunts thousands of office buildings across the country. Very commonly, people ask how to treat the common wall which is not always the problem. This surprises a lot of people. They think that sound proofing the office has to be done with a wall treatment, but in most cases, it is the ceiling that is the weak spot. The most important thing about sound and sound proofing to keep in mind is that the noise ALWAYS follow the path of least resistance. The sound is going to find the “weak spot” in the room and leak directly from that spot. With that in mind, it is time to track down the path or paths of least resistance […]

Office Acoustics

So you’ve got office noise problems, huh? Well I have something for you… The acoustic in the office was truly amazing. No matter how soft you spoke, your conversation could be heard amazingly well up to 30-40 feet away […]

How to Quiet a Noisy Air Conditioner

As the weather heats up, and summer gets into full swing, we are getting more and more calls as well as E-mails about air conditioning compressors bothering home owners as well as neighbors. The problem can be fixed fairly easily and inexpensively, but either way, it needs to be done correctly […]

Dance Studio Next to Office Space

Recently, I was asked to meet a few potential clients at an office building in a neighboring city. It was explained to me that a dance studio and an office shared a common wall. I have worked on similar situations in the past, and it is always a bit scary – simply due to the drastically different uses of the spaces. The problem that existed is that when the building owner was showing a few potential office renters the space, the dance studio was having a class. The sound transmission was an instant turn -off to a potential renter – and rightfully so […]

Well/Pool Pump Noise

“I am looking for a product that can be installed in an outdoor environment which is exposed to the weather 365 days per year. I need to deaden the harmonic whine that is emitted from our well pump motor.” We have two exterior rated acoustical panels. Both of which need a structure or a substrate to support them – they are not free standing […]

Soundproofing Skylights…

“I have skylights and windows in my house. Most of the noise comes through the skylight, what can I do to fix the noise problem?” This problem is much easier to fix than you might think. A skylight is obviously installed to be a light source and any acoustical fix is going to need to be as transparent as possible. Fortunately, we have a solution that most people will not notice, visually […]

Schools and Classrooms

Acoustics is not as complicated as people generally think it is. Reverberation (echo) is simply a relationship between the size of the space and the surfaces that make up the space. The intent of this article is to help you start to understand how that relationship works and how to help or eliminate an echo problem. I have a background and degree in education, K12 Art to be specific. Although I am not currently teaching, I have a good idea where you are coming from. I know that you do not have time to sit down and study sound and how it works. I would like to try to make it simple, so here goes […]

River Heights Fellowship Hall

When River Heights Vineyard Church relocated into a new location, we were very excited about the new opportunities and potential that came with the new space. One of the things we were most excited about was the main meeting space because it was much more open than our previous space. The downside to this big open area was that it had some serious acoustical challenges. The stage was located in the corner of the room and was surround by hard surfaces on all sides. The room echoed badly enough that having a live drummer just wasn’t feasible […]

how much acoustic panels do I need

How many Acoustic Panels do I need?

Over the years, I have put together a simple equation that I have had plenty of success with. This equation is used to “take the edge off” of a room and make it much more usable.