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Soundproofing a Noisy MRI Scanner

I can’t remember the last time that I have been around an MRI so can not recall the exact noise that the machines made, but I assume that it is a very low mechanical “drone”. If this is the case, it is a fairly challenging acoustical situation […]

Boiler Room Sound Problem

Boiler or mechanical rooms are generally pretty noisy places. Not only are you going to have multiple noise sources but one will almost always find that these are rooms made up of all hard surfaces. The sound from the machines has no where to go, and the sound waves will just bounce from surface to surface. Believe it or not, the sound pressure in the room can actually be greater than the sum of all of the sound being made by the machines because of these reflections. So, I would suggest a product that will not only help the existing wall block the sound from leaving the room, but also absorbing the reverberation inside of the room itself […]

Noisy A/C Help

“The problem is, recently, our neighbors, who themselves, do not have any A/C or window units, keep their old windows open during the hot Boston summers. Our larger unit has 2 A/C units and the people in the 1st unit have one. According to our neighbors, whose bedroom window on the 2nd floor immediately faces all 3 A/C units, make a lot of noise which is bothersome at night when they are trying to sleep.” In order to reduce the noise that your neighbor is hearing you are gong to need to do two things. First would be to interrupt the line of sight path of sound transmission […]

Traffic Noise Coming Through Windows

“We recently purchased a ten year old home that has good quality, double glazed vinyl windows (the operable kind, single hung, vertically opening). We hear traffic noise in our master bedroom, which faces the street and I am looking for a method to reduce it as much as possible.” The two most important things to keep in mind when you are dealing with a sound transmission issue are eliminating ANY common air spaces and increasing the amount of mass/density in between your noise source and a potential “listener” […]

A/C Condenser Noise Problem Solved

L.B. from Chicago, IL writes: The owners of the apartment building next door installed 2 very noisy air conditioning units right next to our back porch. They are about 4′ away from our porch, just over the property line! We love our back porch and the noise made it almost unusable. To make matters worse, […]

Duplex Wall Soundproofing

“I’m looking for the most cost-effective and easy to install sound blocking for a musical range of sound.” Ideally, I would suggest the RSIC-1 Clip system to float the sheet rock off of the wall. This is THE most acoustically efficient and cost effective way to increase the attenuation of a wall assembly […]

Soundproofing a Ceiling With RSIC-1 Clips

“I own a new construction steel-framed loft condo in Los Angeles, CA and I am experiencing a great deal of footfall noise from my neighbor above me. All the units have hardwood floors and when my neighbor walks on his floor it sounds like a bass drum every time his feet hit the floor.” As a foot hits the floor, the energy from the impact travels to the sub floor then to the joists and then to your sheet rock and comes out as an airborne sound. If this path is broken up and the sound has to pass across an air space, it looses energy as it makes the conversion, kind of like a bolt of electricity arcing across an air space […]

Public Corridor Echo Problem

“I am writing to find out your suggestions on how to reduce an echo problem that exists in a mall office public corridor. We are experiencing a big problem with echoes in the mall office public corridor. The office corridor is 138′ long by 8′ wide by 10′ tall. The flooring consist of quarry tile and the walls and ceiling are a drywall painted finish.” Most of the rooms that I am asked to help treat have much different dimensions – most are square or rectangular – much more so than this giant corridor. I would absolutely love to get some panels into the space to see how the number and placement of panels affects the acoustic of the room […]