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Social Hall Echo Problem

“We have a 40′ x20′ function hall with a 40′ peaked ceiling and a tiled floor. The echo is huge. I thought that by putting 3 panels on each end we could reduce the echo a little bit but it’s entirely possible that we could spend all that money and not get any real results. At this point, I’m not sure what to do.” I would feel very comfortable stating that unless the six panels did not make an audible difference AT ALL in a room that THAT’S big. I have been asked enough times “How many panels do I need”, that I have come up with a very quick and easy, yet surprisingly effective way to answer that question […]

Marcoux Corner Studio

My name Josh Baesler. I am a member and part owner of A Cappella singing group Marcoux Corner. In January of 2008 we moved our center of operations from ‘my house’ into a new office/studio space. Ever since the group’s inception, we’d always recorded our own music, but up until then we’d used a very […]

Restaurant Sound Problem

The tough part about treating a dining area is that the owner or management of an establishment does not want to change the existing look of the room that has been carefully planned. The problem with this becomes that without covering up some of the hard surfaces of the room, you can not absorb any echo […]

Prisoner Interrogation Room Acoustics

It’s not every day that I am asked to treat an interrogation room, but I have three panels that will work and each will have its respective advantage and disadvantage. Although I’ve never seen the inside of an interrogation room, I have seen quite a bit of them on tv. Being the acoustical geek that I am, I always wonder how they can get such a good sound quality in a concrete room where people are yelling, but I guess this is a Hollywood trick-of-the-trade […]

Soundproofing a Garage Door Motor

“We have a project that has a board room atop a mechanical/storage room that the owner would like to sound proof and decrease the overhead door noise and other noise including human voice.” This Situation could be treated in a two step process. I would first suggest eliminating the physical vibration that makes it’s way into the structure and if that is not enough, treating the ceiling of the room below with some kind of acoustical panels […]

School Cafeteria Acoustics

Cafeterias are generally extremely loud places, so the situation is quite normal. Stuff a bunch of kids into a concrete room and even though they’re supposed to be filling their mouths, the noise level will be ear splitting. These cafeterias are almost always made out of vinyl tile flooring and painted concrete block walls, both extremely reflective surfaces. Noisy kids plus reflective surfaces equals headaches […]

Soundproofing a Skylight

A skylight is obviously installed to be a light source and any acoustical fix is going to need to be as transparent as possible. Fortunately, we have a solution that most people will not notice, visually. Our Climate Seal™ Acoustic Series Window Inserts are custom made inserts or retrofit windows that you are able to install yourself, very easily. The windows are built with a perimeter bellows which frame a clear, 1/4″ thick acrylic sheet. The acrylic that we use is guaranteed never to yellow, and is nearly invisible [..]

Cubicle Acoustics

“I recently was moved from an office to a big cubicle area at work. As you can imagine, the worst thing about being in the cube is the noise. I am desperate to find a solution to block as much noise as possible.” I have a very good friend that is in the same situation. He is in a similar situation where his workspace is in a cubical in a larger room. The sound coming from his co-workers was his first complaint and of course he called me to see what could be done to minimize the bothersome noise […]

TV Studio Acoustical Treatment

I get calls every now and then from people or companies that are researching acoustical panels for a TV or media studio of some kind. My most high-profile treatment to date is the set for the TV show The Biggest Loser, but unfortunately I don’t think they can be seen in any of the shots […]

Publishing Facility Solution

Hi, Ted, Well, we put up the panels and we took before and after pictures (attached). We put them up on one side and noticed a sense that the echo had gradually all shifted to the other side. By the time they were all up we really felt so much better in the space. Before […]