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Quieting/Soundproofing Noisy Pipes

“I am wondering if materials used to insulate/soundproof pipes are made of similar materials? We are looking to soundproof a wall in between our very noisy shower pipes and my daughter’s bedroom.” You mentioned that you are trying to quiet down some “very noisy shower pipes” so for some reason, I assume you are dealing with old-school cast iron pipes. If this is the case, you can actually quiet them down a LOT by securing them in the wall properly […]

Noisy Air Conditioner Solutions to Stop the Noise

I do get quite a few inquiries about noisy AC units. As far as the distance between the AC unit and the wall that you are going to need to build, I would contact the manufacturer of the unit as well as possibly a local contractor who would service the unit if it were needed. It is extremely important to leave enough room around the condenser to allow it to breather and function properly. That is one question that I will not be able to help with and is definitely site specific […]

Fellowship Hall Acoustics – Echo control

” I need help at our church. We have a fellowship building that is 30ft wide x 50ft long and a wood A-frame vault ceiling that is 14.5ft from top to floor (ceramic tile). The noise level is unbearable. What do you recommend we do to help control the noise?” Controlling that echo and improving the sound quality is actually not that daunting of a task, thankfully. Basically, we just have to “soften” up enough of the surface area of the room with a wall or ceiling treatment […]

Soundproofing Apartment Wall

Basically there are two ways to block sound, one is to increase the amount of mass and density that you have between space A and space B, and the other is to de-couple the wall assembly, or build two separate walls that don,t touch each other. The decoupled wall will out perform the wall where only mass is added to the wall […]

How to Improve the Sound in Your Home

There are very few products out there that will still maintain the look of a sheet rock ceiling while absorbing a good amount of sound and those are going to have their limitations. If we need to absorb the echo and reverberation in a room, we need to soften up the surfaces in that room which is done by putting product on the walls or the ceiling […]

Social Hall Echo Problem

“We have a 40′ x20′ function hall with a 40′ peaked ceiling and a tiled floor. The echo is huge. I thought that by putting 3 panels on each end we could reduce the echo a little bit but it’s entirely possible that we could spend all that money and not get any real results. At this point, I’m not sure what to do.” I would feel very comfortable stating that unless the six panels did not make an audible difference AT ALL in a room that THAT’S big. I have been asked enough times “How many panels do I need”, that I have come up with a very quick and easy, yet surprisingly effective way to answer that question […]

Marcoux Corner Studio

My name Josh Baesler. I am a member and part owner of A Cappella singing group Marcoux Corner. In January of 2008 we moved our center of operations from ‘my house’ into a new office/studio space. Ever since the group’s inception, we’d always recorded our own music, but up until then we’d used a very […]

Restaurant Sound Problem

The tough part about treating a dining area is that the owner or management of an establishment does not want to change the existing look of the room that has been carefully planned. The problem with this becomes that without covering up some of the hard surfaces of the room, you can not absorb any echo […]

Prisoner Interrogation Room Acoustics

It’s not every day that I am asked to treat an interrogation room, but I have three panels that will work and each will have its respective advantage and disadvantage. Although I’ve never seen the inside of an interrogation room, I have seen quite a bit of them on tv. Being the acoustical geek that I am, I always wonder how they can get such a good sound quality in a concrete room where people are yelling, but I guess this is a Hollywood trick-of-the-trade […]

Soundproofing a Garage Door Motor

“We have a project that has a board room atop a mechanical/storage room that the owner would like to sound proof and decrease the overhead door noise and other noise including human voice.” This Situation could be treated in a two step process. I would first suggest eliminating the physical vibration that makes it’s way into the structure and if that is not enough, treating the ceiling of the room below with some kind of acoustical panels […]