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Fear of a Silent World

Noise is the necessary side-effect of a world which has changed, grown, and developed. For some, it is annoying. For others, it is a reassurance.

How Does Sound Work?

I think that people, in general, have a hard time understanding how sound works. I know it took me a long time, and I still only know the very basics. Maybe it is because it is unseen and unknown? When you are in a room that sounds great, you don’t even think about it. When […]


Why Control Noise?

In industrial settings, noise is not just unpleasant, it can be a major source of expense and lost productivity. Noise-induced hearing loss can lead to higher worker compensation claims and higher insurance costs.

Ted, Master Brewer: Celebrating International Beer Day

It’s international beer day, so grab a pint of your favorite frosty, delicious beer, kick back and let me tell you a tale. International Beer Day and acoustics… I’m not exactly sure how I’m going to tie these things together, but here we go… A long, long time ago, in east-central Minnesota, I found myself, […]

Summer Sound Series: More Noise Than Joy…Church Acoustics

We have a large multi-purpose room in our church that we love to use for events, but when it’s full of people, the noise is terrible. Are there any church acoustical treatments to make this a better experience for everyone?