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soundproof apartment

Quieting an Apartment

“I live in an apartment that occupies the half of the bottom floor of an owner occupied home. My bedroom is directly below my landlord’s and despite the six inches of concrete between our spaces, the ability for noise to travel from up to down is amazing […]

soundproof hotel rooms

Soundproofing Hotel Rooms and Saving Your Business from Negative Reviews

Word of mouth has always been the most powerful form of advertising. If people say good things about your business to their friends and families, those friends and family members are more likely to become your customers, too. And now that the internet has made it easier than ever for people to post their opinions […]

soundproof baby room

Child’s Bedroom Soundproofing

“We built an addition to our home and our master bedroom shares a wall with our youngest son’s bedroom. Unfortunately, any noise in our room is heard in his room. Talking, TV (even low volume), listening to radio – it is all heard in the next room which keeps him awake (or wakes him up) and provides us with no privacy. Do you have any solutions, short of ripping out the wall and replacing it, to put on the wall to stop the sound?” There are a few things to consider, but fixing the problem is not an impossible task. We receive a lot of inquiries from people who, of course, want an easy and simple solution that will not create a big mess. Occasionally this is a possibility, but to get the job done correctly, some construction is almost always involved. Let’s take this one step at a time […]

soundproofing drum room

Quieting My Son’s Drum Room?

“We are considering some level of soundproofing for our son’s bedroom. He plays the drums, and our house is not large, so we would greatly benefit from something that would help block/absorb some of the sound. Can you help with this?” In order to block sound, one needs to do one of two things. First would be to build a room within a room so that the sheet rock of the drum room does not have any hard surface contact with the sheet rock on the adjacent rooms […]

whispering gallery

Whispering Galleries

Have you ever heard of a whispering gallery? It is an architectural feature that allows a whisper to be heard clearly across other parts of the gallery.

architectural acoustics

Why Architects, Designers, and Builders should consider Acoustics from Day One

Sounds and noises around us can have a profound impact on everything we do. The music we listen to, the programs we watch, and the work conferences or school classes we attend can be either positively or negatively impacted by sound quality and acoustics. Unfortunately, not all the places we occupy or visit are designed […]

soundproofing boutique fitness studio

Tips for Successfully Soundproofing your Boutique Fitness Studio

If you find yourself attracted to the idea of operating your own boutique fitness studio, you are not alone, and for good reason.  Boutique fitness studios feel more trendy to consumers because they are able to provide an environment that is more intimate, fun, and specialized than standard gym options.  They tend to be smaller […]

acoustical solutions for restaurants

Noisy restaurant solutions- when peace and quiet are not on the menu

Acoustic solutions for restaurants is not a luxury, but a necessity. The dining experience has come a long way over the past few decades.  Restaurant owners go to great lengths to create spaces that we all want to go to as much for the ambiance as we do for the food. The entire place has […]

leed certified commercial buildings

LEED-certified commercial buildings – a green light for successful business

Design and architecture are constantly evolving artforms. Building styles change as tastes change. They also change as new materials become available. We make adjustments as we learn about unforeseen shortcomings in designs of the past. These days, there are things like building codes and certifications meant to prove that today’s designers and builders are following […]