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soundproof a fence

Soundproof Fences: How Do They Work?

We install soundproof fences on our properties for lots of reasons. They keep our children and pets in our yards where we can see them, they create a nice backdrop for our landscaping, they create clear boundaries between one space and the next, and they help protect our property, along with creating a noise barrier. […]

soundproof floor underlayment

Acoustic Underlay for Optimal Noise Reduction

Curious about how to soundproof a floor? If you’re considering installing new flooring in your home, you’ve likely learned floor underlayments are a critical part of the flooring structure. We use underlayment for floors to reduce the appearance of any minor imperfections in the subfloor, slightly soften the impact of footsteps, and help reduce the […]

Acoustical Surfaces Noiseproofing Music Venues blog banner

How Concert Venues Can Reopen and Coexist with Those Still Choosing to Stay In

As the live entertainment industry roars back from the woes of 2020, fans once again pack into small spaces and create loud, exciting environments. The only problem with this? Noise complaints are on the rise. Homebodies have become accustomed to quiet evenings, and especially in urban areas, their daily routines and preferences are under pressure. […]

Acoustical Surfaces Construction Solutions blog banner

Construction in the City: Quieter Solutions for Coexistence

Construction continues in earnest around the globe as cities spring back to life. Project leaders and administrators face a difficult balance between improving our communities’ infrastructure and keeping noise pollution at a minimum. Oftentimes, it is hard to find that middle ground.  In fact, studies show that noise pollution from construction affects not only those […]

A photo of stacked rows of shipping containers. Text in the foreground reads "The State of the Supply Chain in 2022."

The State of the Supply Chain in 2022

In recent months, businesses in a variety of industries have been battling something they hardly thought about before: the supply chain. Particularly in the building and designing space, raw materials are extremely hard to procure, pushing back lead times and lengthening jobs to the dissatisfaction of both the client and the provider. Architects and designers […]

how to soundproof hvac

How to Soundproof HVAC Systems

The HVAC systems in our homes and offices are essential pieces of keeping us comfortable. Prior to the advent of HVAC systems, our only options were burning fires in the winter and hoping for a nice breeze to blow through our open windows in the summer. With as much comfort as they provide, a noisy […]

Photo of a man installing an acoustic panel to a wall. Text at the bottom of the graphic reads "How It's Made: Poly Max"

How it’s Made: Poly Max

Effective noise-controlling solutions undergo detailed processes to ensure they properly work to absorb noise and echoes. Poly Max acoustic panels are some of the most cost-effective solutions available to reduce distracting echoes and noise reverberations. Made of 100% polyester, Poly Max panels are decorative and customizable for a variety of spaces. Before they’re ready to […]

classroom sound solutions

The Uses and Benefits of Echo Eliminator in Schools

Classrooms are full of unforgettable sounds: a certain science TV show theme song, children laughing or shouting excitedly when they know the answer to a question, teachers reading a book or explaining a tough mathematical concept, and of course the blissful sound of a recorder being played for the first time. These sounds are common […]

how to soundproof a dog kennel

Dog Kennel & Daycare Soundproofing

Lots of dog owners feel some sense of guilt at leaving their best friends home alone all afternoon. Sometimes it’s nice to let our dogs socialize with other dogs when we’re away at work for the day. It’s no wonder, then, that the popularity of doggy daycare has exploded over the past decade or more. […]

Commercial Spaces

Insulate Commercial Spaces with Studio Series Soundproof Interior Windows

Commercial spaces come in all shapes and sizes and noise is a common concern in these buildings. We pride ourselves on providing the best sound-absorbing insulation available. Whether it be a hotel, bar, apartment or restaurant, we have the noise reduction solutions you need. Read on as we discuss how our Studio Series Soundproof Interior […]