Balancing Absorption & Diffusion: Strategies for an Optimal Acoustic Environment

Designing the perfect acoustic environment is part art, part science. It requires a comprehensive understanding of the space itself, its intended uses, and budget constraints, as well as a keen sensitivity to how these factors interact to shape the overall sound quality within a particular setting. Two fundamental components in this sonic design process are sound absorption and diffusion. By adding materials like sound absorbing panels to a wall or hanging sound diffusers from the ceilings, you can significantly influence the behavior and perception of sound within an indoor environment. This makes it critical to carefully consider and balance these factors in practically any acoustical treatment. What does that entail? In this guide, we’ll delve into the science and application of absorption and diffusion, exploring how to manipulate these variables in order to optimize room acoustics across different spaces.

What Factors Impact Sound Behavior In a Room?

Before delving into the nuances of absorption and diffusion, it's crucial to understand the broader factors that will shape our acoustic treatment strategy. These pivotal considerations will provide the foundational context in which we will apply our knowledge of absorption and diffusion:

Size of the Room

A room’s volume and geometry influence the behavior of sound waves within that space. In larger venues, sound waves have more room to travel and bounce before they’re dissipated or absorbed. This can result in excessive reverb, which could cause the sound to distort or echo—not to mention, a host of other sound-related issues, such as:
  • Uneven sound distribution
  • Lack of bass control
  • Unclear sound
  • Infrasonic content accumulation
Conversely, smaller rooms can also present unique challenges when it comes to sound treatment. In these more compact spaces, sound waves reflect off surfaces rapidly, creating a bustling and dynamic sound environment that can result in a boxy sound quality. In a confined space, certain sound waves, especially low-frequency ones, don’t have enough room to fully develop and spread out. Couple that issue with colliding sound waves and the audio quality may be further impacted. Additionally, without proper sound isolation, sound from these spaces may bleed into other rooms.

Surface Properties In the Room

The type and characteristics of the surfaces in a room play a pivotal role in how sound waves interact with the space. Additionally, you must also factor in the room's geometry—its shape, room size, and the arrangement of surfaces within it—since that will significantly impact how sound waves behave, and thus, the kind of acoustic treatments needed. Hard, reflective surfaces, such as concrete or glass, bounce sound waves off them, potentially causing unwanted echoes and reverberations. In the right context, these surfaces can create a lively sound, but without proper management and design, they could detract from the space’s quality. On the other end of the spectrum, soft, absorptive surfaces like carpets or upholstered furniture, soak up sound waves, preventing them from bouncing around the room. While this can help minimize echo and reverberation, too many absorptive surfaces can leave the room sounding dull or lifeless. Striking the right balance between reflective and absorptive surfaces is key to creating an optimal acoustic environment.

Intended Purpose for the Room

What do you hope to achieve in a room via acoustic treatment? Whether it's clarity, sound isolation, reverberation, or some other acoustic property, it needs to align with the intended function of the space. Take a recording studio, for example. Here, you're looking to create an environment where sound can be accurately recorded and monitored, without outside noise contaminating the recording or unwanted reflections muddying the sound. On the other hand, consider a living room. You might want to optimize it for casual conversation, watching TV, or listening to music, with a more balanced sound environment that's comfortable for everyday use. In either case, the goal of acoustic treatment will differ, and so will the methods employed to achieve it.

What Is Sound Absorption?

Sound absorption is the process whereby energy from a sound wave is reduced as it passes through a material.1 This reduction of sound energy can greatly enhance the sound quality within a space by eliminating unwanted echoes or reverberations. When a sound wave encounters an absorptive material—such as foam, fabric, or insulation—a percentage of the sound wave’s energy is converted into heat within the material, effectively reducing the amount of sound reflected back into the room. By strategically placing absorptive materials in a room, you can prevent sound waves from continuously bouncing off hard surface and building up over time, which can cause dissonance in a room. That said, not every material absorbs sound frequencies equally. Certain materials may excel at absorbing higher-frequency sounds like voices, whereas others might be ideal for lower-frequency sounds, such as bass tones. Conventional materials used to furnish a space, such as carpeting, drapes, and furniture, will add to the room’s overall sound absorption. But for true acoustic optimization, you need to consider adding specialized sound-absorbing material to walls, ceilings, and floors. Popular sound-absorbing materials include:
  • PolyMax acoustical panel
  • Wood Wool
  • Echo Eliminator or CFAB Cellulose
  • Fabric-wrapped acoustical panel
  • Acoustical foam panels
  • Wallmate stretch wall systems

What is Sound Diffusion?

Diffusion, in the context of acoustics, refers to the spreading out or scattering of sound waves when they encounter a surface or object. Unlike absorption, which focuses on soaking up sound energy, diffusion seeks to evenly distribute the sound waves throughout the space to foster a more balanced and harmonious sonic environment.2 A well-designed diffuser—typically made with hard, flat, or complex surfaces—can scatter sound in multiple directions, thereby reducing the instances of direct reflections. For instance, diffusers help prevent sound waves from grouping together, focusing on a single point, or colliding, which helps to reduce or eliminate sound interference. By strategically placing diffusers at the primary reflection points, you can eliminate both hot spots (areas with high sound concentration) and dead zones (areas with minimal or no sound). Common types of diffusers include:
  • Curve diffuser panels
  • Sailcloth baffles
  • Hanging baffles
  • Acousti-barriers
  • Whisper wave clouds
  • Pyramidal sound diffusers
  • Quadratic diffusers
However, it's essential to note that diffusion isn't ideal for all spaces. Generally speaking, diffusers are most commonly reserved for larger, specialized environments where clarity of sound profoundly impacts the audience's experience, such as:
  • Auditoriums
  • Theaters
  • Large conference rooms
  • Music classrooms
In these expansive spaces, there’s more room for post-diffusion sound waves to travel and spread out before dissipating. That said, a skilled sound engineer can also add diffusers to a small room to make the room sound larger. But that requires a careful examination of the space to understand how sound travels within the confines of the room before placing the diffusers, paying special attention to:
  • Spatial irregularities
  • Beats or bumps in decay characteristics
  • Decay rates

Why Does Acoustic Treatment Matter?

As mentioned, the ideal acoustic treatment for any given space will depend on the room’s size, surfaces, and intended uses. By accounting for these factors, you can deploy the perfect mixture of sound-absorbing and diffusing items. Doing so can help:
  • Enhance speech clarity – Adding sound absorbing panels helps absorb excessive reverberations in a space that can make it difficult to communicate clearly.
  • Minimize noise distractions – In bustling environments like offices or factory floors, a cacophony of competing sounds—from lively conversations and humming machinery, to the incessant ringing of phones—can create a distractingly noisy backdrop. By strategically installing sound absorbers and hanging diffusers, you can significantly reduce overall volume and disperse sound evenly across a space.
  • Elevate music and audio quality – Both technologies can work together to eliminate echoes and balance the spectrum of high-pitch and low-pitch sounds to create a crisp reflection that’s either directed to the audience or the sound booth.
  • Reduce stress – Continued exposure to constant noise, high volumes, or discordant sounds can lead to increased stress levels. By controlling background noise, acoustic treatment can contribute to a more peaceful and stress-free environment. This, in turn, can have a positive impact on your mental health and well-being, resulting in improved sleep quality, reduced headaches, and better overall moods.
  • Enhance the customer experience – In commercial spaces like restaurants, stores, or hotels, proper acoustic treatment is a smart way to make the space more enjoyable to occupy. Guests typically prefer to share a conversation without being forced to yell over background music or chatter.

Optimize Your Sound Space with Help from the Experts at Acoustical Surfaces

Balancing and optimizing a sound environment is an intricate dance. It requires a careful analysis of the room’s size, surfaces, and the intended audio environment before deciding on the appropriate acoustic treatment. Once you have a thorough understanding of these factors, you can start to deploy a customized strategy that balances absorption and diffusion. Remember, the key is to create a harmonious sound space built to accommodate its intended use. Want to create an optimal acoustic environment tailored to your room’s needs? At Acoustical Surfaces, our team of sound experts is ready to help you embark on this journey toward acoustic perfection. Contact us today to start building your custom sound environment.   Sources:
  1. Science Direct. Sound Absorption.
  2. Science Direct. Optimizing sound diffusion in a concert hall using scale-model measurements and simulations.